Monday, 19 November 2018

Thriving and Saving on a Single Family Income

It’s been slightly over one year since I became a stay at home wife (a story for another day). Being a stay at home wife was never my dream and I was apprehensive when I started this trek. Staying at home means that we live off one income and have to find creative ways to pinch pennies and make our money stretch.

Philippians 4:12

Living on one income isn’t always palpable, but it is doable. We’re currently a one income family and have had to become creative with our finances so that we save a few coins here and there.

Living on my husband’s income has enriched our lives deeply and we’ve cultivated money mastery tips that we hope to keep even when I go back to work. In addition, we have experienced the kind of peace and joy lavished on Paul in Philippians 4:12; being content in whatever circumstance.

Few of our real-life downsizing and money saving tips:

Ø  Quit the gym. We’ve been equipping our space with workout/gym equipment gradually; one by one, piece by piece. We also learnt to incorporate cheap/free outdoor activities like cycling, running/ jogging/walking. Apart from saving us money, being out, we get to spend more time together and bond more. Karura Forest works for us, it's quite affordable.

Ø  Meal Plan. With a menu laid out beforehand we know exactly what to shop for, we buy everything we need for the week in one trip. Knowing exactly what you want to buy also ensures that you aren’t grabbing random items off the shelf on a whim, which is a huge money waster. In addition, we have become intentional on varied, nutritious meals, with very little wastage.

Ø  Strategic Eat Outs. Eating out is a huge money sucker and if you are like us who love trying out new restaurants, you will agree that eat-outs come with cash drain. We have learnt to eat main meals at home before stepping out; once in a restaurant, we snack or have drinks. That way, we are able to randomly pop in and out of all these trendy restaurants. Once in a while thou, we eat out, but that has to be budgeted for.

Ø DIY hair and makeup. Just like the gym equipment, I have progressively, invested in good quality hair products and makeup. I wash, condition and straighten my hair in the house. If I need the hair braided, Kenyatta market has worked for me. For my pinch face-beat, there are many YouTubers, their Vlogs come through for me. I try out their home products facial routine care, makeup routine, etc, and some have worked well.

Ø  Slowed down on the cleaning lady. Our cleaning lady only comes in thrice a month. I DIY our laundry in the last week of the month so I can save up for a decent manicure. I also make sure that am always in my pair of kitchen gloves when doing house chores to keep the hands and nails lit.  

The key to happiness (besides knowing Jesus) is being grateful for what you have now and not needing more to make you complete!!!! 

What is your favourite tip or trick to save money as a stay-at-home wife/mom/job seeking lady? I’d love to know!!!


  1. So awesome shiko, being a stay at home mum and wife is such a special thing,teaches you lessons no one will.

  2. Woow!
    Great peace.
    I have borrowed a leaf.

  3. Wow! That's great dear...keep it up

  4. Love it. It's amazing that you embrace & are proud of being a stay at home mum

  5. I cannot wait to read the next one. May open doors be your portion.

  6. Awesome read Shiko! Thanks for the enlightenment...I've learnt a number of things as a stay at home mum! Bless you ��

  7. Awesome read Shiko! Thanks for the enlightenment...I've learnt a number of things as a stay at home mum! Bless you.

  8. .good work shiku. you can also discover bulk buying or wholesale shops. and where to buy what.

  9. Very practical tips! Awesome..thanks for sharing

  10. Actually do you know it's very hard to notice YOU are out of work until you say it. God's glory has covered you :-). Peace beyond human understanding has been your portion, and you've taken up this life loving attitude, small joys, appreciating small things..I'm learning to appreciate life'small things .

  11. Hehehe.....thanks my dear. Wacha tuseme Yesu ni Mwema.
    There is nothing as valuable as life. Am learning to maximumly live out.

  12. I love this article. We have been on one income for close to 2 years now. The disciplines are so interesting and it is funny how you start saving more than when you were on a 2 income stream.

    I love the creativity that is has brought into your lives. Oh mama and keep writing!

    1. Thanks gal. Let me avail myself, even now, and keep writing.

  13. Good read....great lessons to share out. Keep it up Shiku

  14. Waow Very practical things..very encouraging. Keep writing gal.phillipians 4:12 encourages me alot

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