First, a Christian is simply someone who follows Jesus, who calls upon Jesus Christ as his or her Lord as well as Savior (Rom. 10:9). Similarly, Christianity is an ongoing journey of discipleship to Jesus. From those definitions, we can conclude that a Christian relationship is a close friendship between two Christians involving romantic feelings.
I want to, in deep humility, share a few Christian dating tips that helped us date in purity, acknowledging that, I have neither attained nor perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
1. Love the Lord your God:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). It is not possible to truly love anyone else if you do not love God first and most. And no one will truly love you if they do not love God more than they love you.
Jesus Christ must capture our hearts; we find our deepest joy in him. We hide our soul in Him and stop trying to save or prove ourselves. We devote our minds to knowing him more and more and plead with him to conform our mind and will to his. We put all our strength into his goal and plan for our life: to make disciples who love him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Do you want to date and marry well? Listen to Jesus, and “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Seek him first (Matthew 6:33), and dating will be added according to his perfect plan and timing.
If your girlfriend or boyfriend claims to love the Lord but his value system is contrary to scripture, take that as a red flag. If they are living in willful sin and are never repentant, question their faith too.
John 14 vs. 15: If ye love me, keep my commandments. To love God is to obey His Word. This leads me to my next point:
2. Do not be unequally yoked:
2 Corinthians 6 vs. 14: Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?
Deuteronomy 7 vs. 3-4: Moses warns the Israelites against marrying foreign women as they enter the Promised Land. They rationalized, they disobeyed, and they married the foreign women forming covenants between themselves and people who neither knew nor served God. In so doing, they were led astray.
Christians uniting themselves to people who do not love, follow, or submit to Christ is direct disobedience. This rubs people the wrong way, because no matter how loving, kind, respectful, sweet, romantic an unbelieving partner is, she/he still is at odds with Christ, if we call ourselves Christians, then the Bible is our final authority.
It is also very important to consider a partner's close friendships. 1 Corinthians 15 vs. 33, Bad Company corrupts good character. Friends are a strong indicator of a partner’s character because two people cannot walk together unless they agree (Amos 3 vs.3)
God cares about our relationships because He cares about us. He cares about our purity because that is what keeps us in a relationship with Him! Our holiness preaches the gospel louder than our words. Unequal yoking hinders our walk with God – the one thing we need more than anything else.
3. Accountability:
I think the term — accountability — has dried out and gone stale in modern dating, but Scripture calls us to be authentically, deeply, consistently known by someone who cares enough to keep us from making mistakes or indulging in sin.
God has placed you into other believers’ lives for your own good. First, to be encouraged: “We urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all” (1 Thessalonians 5:14). To get challenged and corrected; “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom” (Colossians 3:16). And to be built up: “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Dating often isolates us from other Christians in our lives. The closer we become with a boyfriend or girlfriend, the further we move from other important relationships. Satan loves this and encourages it at every turn. One way to walk wisely in dating is to oppose absolutely everything Satan might want for you. Fight the impulse to date in a corner by yourselves, and instead draw one another into those important relationships.
Double down on family and friends — with affection, intentionality, and communication — while you’re dating. They can see some things that love blinds you to see.
4. Disclosure:
In cases of past sin, I am a firm believer that God forgives and restores, 2 Corinthians 5 vs. 17: If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
In dating, when you reach a point in a relationship when you know that you are heading down the road to "Serious-ville" (marriage), then it is time to prepare for two becoming one. And if you are contemplating this kind of commitment, I'm of the camp that you will need to open the door to whatever you are holding close, protecting or keeping in a safe place. Your future spouse is getting ready to join his or her life to yours and vice versa, so you need to know who and what you are going to be investing your life in.
I believe that partners should disclose the below as soon as they are comfortable and peaceful with each other:
Ø Past sex habits; Pornography, masturbation, fornication, homosexuality etc.
Ø Prior marriages; Come-we-stay, traditional, civil or even church marriages
Ø Children conceived with former partners.
Ø Incomes/ Liabilities/ Assets etc.
Ø Responsibilities tied to income- e.g. paying siblings school fees etc.
Ø Terminal illnesses.
I acknowledge that it is really hard for two young, hormone-filled people who are intensely attracted to each other to keep their hands off each other. Initially in our first few months of dating, pursuing purity in our relationship was a real struggle and a constant battle, however, through accountability and focusing on God, we found a way to keep our hands off each other and honour God and each other with our bodies.
If you have fallen into sexual sin and are willing to pick up and start of a clean slate, Jehova is gracious, and He will forgive once you confess your sin. It will be very important for the two of you seek accountability and walk with a mature Christian couple.
If you have fallen into sexual sin and are willing to pick up and start of a clean slate, Jehova is gracious, and He will forgive once you confess your sin. It will be very important for the two of you seek accountability and walk with a mature Christian couple.
These tips are not exhaustive, please share more on how you kept pure, what you have seen work for others, and what you believe should work when you get there.